{"pageProps":{"name":"Vidal","slug":"/launchpad/vidal","discounts":{"title":"","startLabelFrom":0,"offers":[]},"options":{"enableProgressBar":false,"enablePage":true,"enablePreview":true,"enableCounter":true,"enableMinting":false,"enableShowingStats":false,"enableOverrideAvailableNFTs":false,"enableOverrideTotalNFts":false,"enableOverrideStartingDate":false},"details":{"address":"0x0D823CF28A015F9ab1a2b0469ecbBe2F6B24b40a","rounds":-1,"startingDate":"","status":"Sold Out","maxMintedNftsPerTransaction":-1,"mintingMethod":"payable","token":null,"stakeContract":null,"inoCollection":null,"claimAddress":"","privateClaimAddress":"","claimState":"claim"},"stats":{"totalNfts":0,"availableNfts":0,"priceUnit":null,"allocatedNfts":0,"startingDate":""},"description":"The giant of Bundesliga, Laliga & Serie A has signed with StartFi to introduce his NFT collection to his fans. Arturo Vidal who played more than 600 games for top clubs of the world with more than 110 goals, is ready to make his NFT collections with various creative ideas to be more close to his fans around the world. Wining Serie A 5 times, Bundesliga 3 times, Laliga 1 time, Copa America twice, plus more than 10 other trophies in his career is such a great achievement for a great player. StartFi will celebrate with Vidal his achievements by issuing NFT collection drops for his prestigious trophies he has won. It’s something should be remembered for all NFT collectors around the world. The owners of the Vidal NFT will in for a real treat. Lucky holders will have the chance to win a lot of personal and exclusive giveaways from the king himself!","allocationTable":[],"shortDescription":"The giant of Bundesliga, Laliga & Serie A has signed with StartFi to introduce his NFT collection to his fans.","media":{"vendor":"Generic","link":"/launchpad/vidal/vidal-cover.jpg"},"information":[],"video":null,"chainID":1,"rarity":{"rarities":[{"name":"Epic","members":"70%"},{"name":"Super Rare","members":"10%"},{"name":"Rare","members":"20%"}]},"faq":[{"question":"Who can participate in this event?","answer":"This a public event where all fans can participate and acquire Vidal's very first official NFT."},{"question":"When will INO start?","answer":"Keep an eye on Vidal's official social media accounts as well as StartFi's official social media channels for the INO go live event."},{"question":"Why would I want to buy this NFT?","answer":"Owners of Vidal NFT will have the chance to receive very special and autographed giveaways (cleats, shirts, balls) from Vidal. Owners will also have the chance to win game tickets to attend games in person. Vidal is a strategic client of StartFi. Because of that, owners of the NFTs will be eligible to have early access to StartFi's both-way NFT farms."}],"socialLinks":[{"name":"twitter","link":"https://twitter.com/kingarturo23"},{"name":"instagram","link":"https://www.instagram.com/kingarturo23oficial/"}],"milestones":[],"launchpadVariant":"INO","minimumStake":0,"tokenInfo":{"maxSupply":"","initialCap":"","idoPrice":"","launchpadTokenSymbol":""}},"__N_SSG":true}